Baldwin Street Steepest
Is Baldwin Street Steepest?
People all around the world have been asking “Is Baldwin Street the Steepest Street?” After years of research, New Zealand can proudly lay claim to a resounding yes!
People no longer have to wonder if Baldwin Street is the steepest street in the world. This street now officially lays claim to that title. In 2019 a local survey team sought to find the answer to the question and settle it once and for all!
To find out if Baldwin Street is the steepest street in the world, the survey team had a hard task ahead of them. Previous attempts to measure the street were done the old fashioned way and were open to speculation. This new team pulled out all the stops when they went to answer this question. They used a state of the art $150,000 survey laser to find the answer. What did they find out about Baldwin Street?
They found out that yes, in fact, Baldwin Street is the steepest street in the entire world! With a gradient of a staggering 42% it is hard to imagine a street being any steeper than this. Baldwin Street, and the local community, was able to celebrate a sigh of relief as their claim to fame was held intact. While there are some pretty steep streets all over the world, there are no streets quite as steep as Baldwin Street.
The next time you are planning a visit to New Zealand, why not visit the steepest street in the entire world! This is one unique piece of city planning that you just can’t miss!